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Wedding Vow Examples

The Legal vows in blue (below) are for Australian weddings and can be added to your personal vows that you create or used as the only vows if you choose. 
The choice is yours but they must be said to make your marriage legal.

"I call upon the persons here present to witness that I, A.B. (or C.D.), take thee, C.D. (or A.B.), to be my lawful wedded wife (husband, spouse, partner in marriage)

Be real, have fun and be yourself most importantly.


I promise to treasure you and to challenge you.

To continue to travel, love, laugh and dream big as nothing is out of reach when I’m with you.


I love waking up every day to that perfect permanent smile and hope that your smile is because of me,

as mine is for you.


I take comfort in your kind eyes knowing no matter where we have been or where we are yet to go being beside you is where

I will always call home. I will love you today, tomorrow and always.

Example 1
Example 2

I promise to adore you, care for you, protect and believe in you, I will appreciate you and help you reach

your goals in life. 


You are beautiful, I love your kind heart, your will to help people, your support and belief in me,

and your funny faults that I would love to disclose today but thought better of it.


I take you as my wife and best friend, my lover, pain in the ass and the person to grow old and travel through life with. I Love you.


Example 3

(name)  from the moment I met you I knew there was something special about you.

There hasn’t been a moment since that day that I haven’t felt loved and supported and I am constantly

amazed by how thoughtful you are.


I love how you always see the best in me, even at my worst. You listen to every single worry that goes

through my mind without judgment and one by one put them into perspective.

You’ve taught me what it means to truly love someone.


(name), I love you, with everything I have. Thank you for accepting and loving me as I am.

I promise to always laugh at your jokes, even when no one else does, I promise to keep dancing and having fun with you.


I promise to continue to love you unconditionally under any circumstances.

I am forever changed because of who you are, what you’ve meant to me and how you’ve helped me grow.

I look forward to all the adventures we have ahead.. I promise you this from my heart, for all the days of my life.

Example 4

(Name), It’s been 2160 days since we officially started our journey together. I thought you were just going to be like everyone else, but boy was I wrong.


Little did I know that today I would be standing here marrying the man of my dreams. You have shown me the deepest kind of love and I will forever be grateful for what we share together. Thank you for allowing me to be my truest self around you.


The laughter and silliness we share everyday is infectious and I couldn’t imagine it any other way. I will try my absolute hardest to not get hangry around you, but I can’t make any promises. I vow to always be your big spoon.


I will continue to sing loudly in car until you can’t turn the volume up any more. I promise to be your best friend and continue building our life together. Thank you for being my first true love. I’m looking forward to this next chapter together

Example 5

(Name) Your beautiful blue eyes attracted me to you, but your kind loving nature won my heart.


Each day I wake up with 2 goals in mind, to see you smile and hear you giggle. If I can achieve these two things then

my day was a success. We will get old, but I promise to you that our love will never get old.

I vow to keep it young and free, to mix life up and keep you on your toes and give you my 5th gear all the time.


The only thing I ask of you is to keep your pretty little hands in mine!


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